Friday, 8 April 2016

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Friday, 1 April 2016

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I read a question on the internet:
What does heartbreak sound like?
Heartbreak sounds like water droplets from the iron tip of an umbrella framework falling down to asphalt road when the rain starts to end and the low frequent drizzle becomes lower and lower. Splash.

Heartbreak sounds like a toot brush brushing the teeth, the faster the strength of the brushing movement, the more boisterous it is heard and capable enough to break the bubbles of thought of sorrows.

Heartbreak sounds like the finger on keyboards, scrolling, typing, and pounding the keyboard as there is no new e-mail.
It really breaks my heart.
Heartbreak, does not always happen to a love life. And my heart is breaking now.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

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Hey, Dear..
I heard that a door opens. A door of your dreams. Well, one of. Because I know it is not your favourite door. I know you are confused at this moment. To go or not to go.

Well, Honey..
Give me your hand. Let me hold yours.
We will open the electronic paper together. You type. Because it is yours. And I will type, if you are in doubt. We will type this together, Sweetheart.

We will type this. We will share our days while we are waiting for the response of our writings. I will give you my ears, and my laugh, and my smile, and my hand holding your hands. I will hear all of your old stories. The same stories you keep in your head and in a little thing on your chest. About your dreams, about your fear, about how confuse you are to deal with this and that.

No, you will not discomfort me. You won't. So, if it is not necessary, let it be only me who gives you those ears.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

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"Every day I'm relearning this one basic truth: my wife has her own brain, her own feelings, her own soul. We are linked now through the bond of matrimony, but she is still her and I am still me. She is a force, a hurricane, a wildfire. She is not a puppet dancing on a string. She is a self — her own self — powerful and mysterious.

Sometimes she laughs at things that used to make her angry, and gets angry at things that used to make her laugh. Sometimes I can read her like a book, but sometimes she wears an expression I've never seen. Sometimes she smiles like the world is telling a joke that only she understands.

I'm learning her, and I'll never finish studying her book because she's always adding new pages."

Read more


Friday, 13 June 2014

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Compatibility is an achievement of love; it shouldn’t be its precondition

"The person who is truly best suited to us is not the person who shares exactly of our tastes. Rather than an idea of perfect complementarity, it is the capacity to tolerate difference that is the true marker of the ‘right’ person."
Fatima Alkaff

Sunday, 17 November 2013

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Dear Verda,

I love the way you show the little world inside of you. How it can be pretty and unpretty at the same time. I love the way you argue about unnecessary things, I love the way you sigh about things only seen by you, I love the way you smile.

I love the way you share every wishes you have. Every hopes and dreams. The ordinary ones and the wild ones. I love the way you don't care how impossible they seem to be achieved. Although sometimes, you become a complete irrational and illogical. But, hey, Honey! It doesn't bother me at all.

I love the way you tell me where do you want to go, where do you want to live, where do you want to run away, where do you want to hide, and most of all, I love the way you tell me the place you want to spend your whole life with me. Although sometimes, you drive me insane because of your inconsistency ruins my own plan. But, hey, Honey! It doesn't bother me at all. We can go to Jamaica tomorrow and back to Maldives the day after tomorrow, or to Berlin, or Perth, or Tokyo. Just tell me where, Honey. We'll buy tickets and pack our bags and go.

Promise me,
to bear with me if I can't understand you someday. Please bear with me, if I can't say yes to all of your commands. We have different head, we have different way of thinking, we have different history, we have different value of life. Please bear with me.

We can be in rhyme some times, and we can be out of tune at the other times. But, hey, Honey! It's OK. It's not a barrier for us to be united. It's not the sign we can't be together. It's just us being a human.

Just promise me,
to keep showing me the little world inside of you, to keep sharing me your wishes, to keep telling me the place you want to go. Promise me, don't let me miss every little details about you.


Thursday, 14 November 2013

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The moment when every deviant behaviour is seen as a new variety; and in the name of humanity, the natural balance is seen as a defective soul.
